Create Success on your Terms

Forcing the Outcomes to be Favorable / Create Success on your Terms



Success doesn’t have to come from a self-sacrificing grind. It is not necessary that you have to work long hours or make huge sacrifices to create a thriving business. Here in this article I have mentioned a few basic tips that will help you to make the outcomes favorable.

Get clear on what you value — One of the most amazing things about creating your own company is your ability to design something that aligns with you values. Whether you value massive financial success, a lot of free time to spend with your family or traveling the world, at the end of the day, you got to choose. Your two values are the ones that are true to you, not ones that you’ve been told you should have or believe are expected of you.

Deliberately create your schedule — When you pin point your top two values, your next step is to be ruthless about structuring your work and life around these values. This means, if you value time with family, your desired family time goes into your schedule first. If you value health, time for self-care then it becomes essential to have a few hours of non-working time. If you value travel, put time in your schedule for that. Give yourself permission to do things your own way. This means not following a morning routine, four-hour work week, or a schedule that some so-called expert has declared is the secret to success. Your secret to success is whatever reflects your values.

Hold yourself accountable for things — Although this may sound harsh but the truth is, the rest of the world does not care about your values or your schedule. This means you hold yourself accountable to both. One of the best ways to do this is to create a schedule that plans each day in 15-mins increments. When you deliberately plan and track your time, you quickly see how easily you give in to distractions and procrastination, how much time you spend doing busy work and that you ultimately have more control over your schedule than you’ve ever realized.

Get good at saying no — To hold yourself accountable to living your values, you have to say ‘no’ a whole lot more than you do right now. You’ll be saying no to everyone — your friends and family, to co-workers and employees, to new opportunities. The world is going to keep asking for more from you and you have to hold the boundaries set by your values. The good news is, when you are 100 % sold on your own values and how essential they are to your life and work, it becomes easier to say no. Sure, the person on the receiving end might not be thrilled with your response but the alternative is sacrificing your own values — and this is exactly what you’re trying to stop doing.

Working but not forever hustling— With each phase of business growth, comes further refinement. Revisit your vales, your schedule, everything pulling you from your values and schedule, your systems and your team. Fine-tune each area to help you achieve your next level of success. It’s part of a never-ending, spiral of upward growth, helping you create a successful business without ever sacrificing that which truly matters to you.




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