Temporary Abstinence

Temporary Abstinence…. Why & How to Restrain yourself from indulging in Alcohol

3 min readJan 19, 2019


Sobriety… something people want to have sometime but not able to for one reason or the other. Since we all are humans we can’t just stop something without having proper reason or getting some benefit from it real or virtual. Here are some surprising things you will learn from your temporary period of sobriety….

First of all, no one really cares if you are drinking or not — for the first few times it may feel awkward when you’re out and someone asks for your drink order but keep in mind you don’t have to give any explanation that why you don’t want a beer, whisky, wine or any cocktail. If you don’t explain this why, you will feel that nobody actually asks anymore and your friends will happily sip their own drinks in blissful disregard of your exercise in self-control.

Take care of your Calendar — Most important thing that you need to to when you decide to lay off booze is look at your calendar as nearly all social interactions involve some sort of alcohol. It may be possible that over the course of the upcoming weeks could be events that involve alcohol, a vacation to some hill station, various outdoor games with your friends, a dinner date with your wife or a business trip somewhere. It may seem very easy but don’t underestimate how hard it is to avoid alcohol.

Establish a routine to the Gym — Looking to establish a morning working routine is very difficult if you feel hungover from the night before, so once you have spent a few days without the booze start working on your morning routine, best time to hit the gym. You will definitely feel an energy difference in the mornings as compared to when you would be social social drinking the night before.

Possibility is that you might loose weight — As per the guidelines from doctors, one drink per day for women and two drinks for men can still be considered as OK. But that is still 7 to 14 drinks per week and an average spirit contains 97 to 165 calories, that is around approximately 700 to 2300 calories per week and that’s not counting mixers. Restraining yourself might help you loose some weight and that’s a big benefit.

Anxious Moments may demand a Drink — There will come many situations like business networking, social gatherings, any romantic encounters or may be public speaking, where you’ll think that you need a drink in order to loosen up but these will be the times when you need to realize that giving up alcohol doesn’t mean that you need to become a hermit for those weeks. Eventually there will come a time when you will learn to work through these anxious moments without any aid of alcohol.

Keeping Track of your Drinks — The trickiest part about drinking is the part which involves keeping track of how many drinks you have had. These calculations also helps one to limit the alcohol content he/she takes. So, always try to keep a track on no’s of drinks you had when you are out with friends and in case you are a home bartender, think about the quantity of alcohol you are pouring into those drinks.

Practice above things and your weeks of sobriety will help you to be much more mindful of your drinking, you will be in your senses and you will be paying a lot more attention to how much you drink and when. At the same time moderation will be your new friend and your body, brain and of course your wallet will thank you for it.




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